Kategorisiert | Allgemein, Barack Obama

Weihnachtsstreich sponsored by the president

Wer auf der E-Mail-Liste einer amerikanischen Organisation, Partei oder Kampagne ist, kennt die Qual: Jeden zweiten Tag kommt ein Fundraisingmail. Egal, wie knackig die Betreffzeile aus sein mag, nach zwei Absätzen wird nach Geld gefragt. Das ist in folgendem E-Mail auch nicht anders. Aber wie schon mit dem Dinner with Barack hat sich die Obama-Kampagne etwas einfallen lassen: Diesmal helfen sie – kurz vor Weihnachten – einem/einer konservativen FreundIn oder Verwandtem/n eines auszuwischen, in dem man in deren Namen für Obama spenden kann. Zusätzlich zu einer Spende bekommt die Kampagne dadurch natürlich die E-Mail-Adresse der Person, die ein/e UnterstützerIn als republikanisch einschätzt. Auch keine schlechte Information. Hier die E-Mail:
Carl –Know someone on Facebook or Twitter who, day after day, populates your feed with the latest right-wing talk-radio chatter? Or your cousin who won’t stop forwarding those chain email hoaxes? It can be frustrating. So what do you do about it? You can go round and round in circles arguing with them – or you can have a little fun and make them pay. Literally.

Here’s something new: Today, we’re offering you the opportunity to make a donation to the Obama campaign inspired by your favorite conservative friend or relative.

You can choose to send them a note and let them know they’ve moved you to help build President Obama’s 2012 campaign. You can let them know a donation was made in their honor, but not that it’s from you (it will drive them nuts!). Or you can keep the satisfaction to yourself.

Whatever works for you.

By giving, you’re focusing your efforts on making sure we spend the next year having conversations with voters on the issues that matter, rather than the same old arguments that no one wins.

So while your Republican friends are busy anxiously waiting to see what happens in Iowa and New Hampshire next month, make a donation today — and kindly remind them we have our candidate, and we’re proud of it:




Julianna Smoot
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

P.S. — If you like this idea, take it to the next level. Tell your conservative friends you’re going to donate $3 to the President’s campaign every time they say something outrageous. It’ll be fun.

Your donation counts as a contribution from you for reporting, contribution limits, and compliance purposes.

Paid for by Obama for America
Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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