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Inside the Campaign: Colin Rogero, Revolution Media

In unregelmäßigen Abständen stellen wir KampagnenprofessionstInnen die immer gleichen Fragen über ihren Job in der Kampagne, über ihre Arbeit und ihre Prognose für die Wahl. 

Colin Rogero ist Geschäftsführer von Revolution Media, einer auf politische Fernsehwerbung spezialisierte Agentur.  Er begann seine Karriere im traditionellen Fernsehen in Los Angeles. Interesse für politische Arbeit weckte die Produktion einer PBS Dokumentation über Immigration, die mit einem Preis ausgezeichnet wurde. Einer seine Spots für die Wahlen 2010 wurde mit einem Pollie Award (den “Oskar der Politik) der American Association for Political Consultants ausgezeichnet, vom Campaign and Election Magazine wurde er zu einem Rising Star 2011 ernannt.

Q: What’s your title – what’s your job description?

C.R.: I am the President of Revolution Media. In this industry, a job description is a tough thing to come by. The reality is that we all wear many hats. An average day consists of client conversations and meetings, creative sessions, design sessions, marketing efforts. I started as a creative in advertising, so that’s still where I feel most comfortable, but these days creative work is about half of what I do.

Q: Your prediction for the election?

C.R.: President Barack Obama wins the 2012 election.

Q: How much sleep do you get a night?

C.R.: That depends. My goal is eight but it is usually between 3 and 6. During campaign season, I’m lucky to get 2. It doesn’t sound like much but, even in the off-season, most of my good ideas come at night—the really good ones wake me up and keep me up in the middle of the night. And when they do, I like to get up and work on them while they’re still fresh.

Q: What is the work you’re most proud of?

C.R.: I’m proud of all of the work we’ve had the opportunity to do for our clients. Our clients entrust us with their messages, their causes, and sometimes their very existence. If I had to name one in particular, it would be a project that we completed for the Center for Community Change; the project was called We Are America and it focused on comprehensive immigration reform. Our work helped enable a few stays of deportation and that was extremely gratifying. This year I also helped elect my cousin as the first woman mayor of a major city in Tennessee, and the first democrat in thirty years in Knoxville, TN. In 2011, we actually won all of the races we worked in.

Q: When was the last time you cursed and why?

C.R.: It’s a regular occurrence, and an admitted minor flaw. Something to do with editing, traffic, the weather, you name it…. it doesn’t take much.

Q: If you were President for just enough time to get one thing done. What would it be?

C.R.: I’d make college easily affordable for any student showing the aptitude to learn and excel. In industries where we as a country lack enough skilled individuals, I’d make learning free with certain attainment restrictions.

Q: What makes you angry?

C.R.: I’m impatient, so I’d say waiting makes me a bit peeved.

Q: How often do you Google yourself?

C.R.: Never.

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